Tuesday 13 January 2015

Practical Synthesis- LILAC Housing Brochure Design

I decided that my main format would be a brochure, this would help me show the synthesis between the practical and the dissertation the most. 

(physical sizes etc? Binding)

When I began designing the brochure the first page I decided with guidance from Richard Miles to include a foreword which would allow me to include more theoretical ideas and link LILAC to the themes within my essay. 

A foreword is usually written by the editor or executive, I found in my research that Paul Chatterton was a named co-founder and had published a book about the experience of LILAC. I looked online and found interviews he had done and I tried to mould some of his words into the foreword to make it sound more personal. 

This is where I found some usual information Paul had talked about:


"LILAC is a fascinating model for a new, more equitable and ecological approach to providing affordable housing, built in response to three keys issues: the financial crisis, the threat of global warming and the breakdown of local community." 

I found this quote online and I felt that it really synthesised with my own themes in my essay. I also added further explanation to this in the foreword, and mentioned sustainability, global warming and equality.

I started with the word 'welcome' to invite the audience to read. 

I also kept the text the same colour as the LILAC logo as it fits with the lilac branding.

I wanted to create pages that looked warm and inviting, I went for a minimal clean layout as the modern style matches the buildings and the brand identity I had designed. 

I also drew a signature and added Paul's name at the bottom to add authenticity, it almost acts as a seal of approval. 

On the next page I answered some key questions, which on the website are quite hidden. For a potential buyer it is important for them to understand the founding principles of LILAC and this page explains this firstly to se the scene. I also added an illustration of one of the housing modules, there is also and photograph of one of the houses which is very warm due to the sun exposure, I also like the fencing and plants, its almost like you are looking in from the outside. 

Again the questions synthesise as they explain why they help with issues such as equality, sustainability and global warming.

I then went on to explain the letters and concept of LILAC- Low Impact Living, Affordable, Community. I got the information from the lilac website. 

The images I used on this page are meant to show off the range of facilities and they give a sense of family each photograph shows something which can be done as a group, i.e. children playing, a decking for outdoor meals, and a communal dinning area.

Another key page is the explanation of ModCell. Which is the main building component of the housing, this again talks about reduction of emissions and sustainability which again shows my own themes.  

One of my favourite spreads is the floor plan page this shows buyers/ visitors what they would expect inside the housing, I think that this also helps as it there isn't really any imagery of the inside of the buildings. 

I took the initial floor plans from the website and drew over them in the simple style that works with the brand. 

I guessed at the 3 and 4 beds and made up a floor plan. Under the name of the plans I added information which suggest how many people should live there. This was to coincide with a point I made in my essay about how people are taking up more space in housing, and lesser number of people are living in a bigger area, and so I suggested how many people would live in one of the houses, and this points to a more sustainable way of living.

I left my front page until last I was unsure of what I wanted it to look like, however for coherence and brand identity/ recognition, I followed a similar design and layout to the folder cover. 

I felt that there didn't need to be anymore information on the front as it is inside the brochure.

The image again is meant to be inviting and friendly.

The brochure is coherent, the layout is clean and minimal, it is modern and matches the brand and the concept. I like that there is no black typography, it looks different and it also appears light and inviting.

PDF Version of the brochure for LILAC housing.

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